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Daguerrotypes 07 / The anachronistic show

The anachronistic show

The anachronistic show

The anachronistic show

The anachronistic show

The anachronistic show

The epoch which displays its time to itself as essentially the sudden return of multiple festivities is also an epoch without festivals. What was, in cyclical time, the moment of a community’s participation in the luxurious expenditure of life is impossible for the society without community or luxury. When its vulgarized pseudo-festivals, parodies of the dialogue and the gift, incite a surplus of economic expenditure, they lead only to deception always compensated by the promise of a new deception. In the spectacle, the lower the use value of modern survival-time, the more highly it is exalted. The reality of time has been replaced by the advertisement of time. (G.D.)

List of authors:
Natasha Masharova
Underwood & Underwood
Ryan Schude
David Foster Nass
Marja van Bochove

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