Mike Winkelmann aka Beeple is a graphic and motion designer from Wisconsin. The video above is part of a free (open source) project where you can download his C4D project files. Very useful for students or new Cinema 4D users. It is also a nice way of promoting his own work; post well deserved.
Free 1080p visual source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file: beeple-crap.com/resources.php
Music: Com Truise – Basf Ace (goo.gl/q9C66n) / comtruise.com
More free VJ clips: vimeo.com/channels/beeple
Info: beeple-crap.com
Daily artwork: facebook.com/beeple | instagram.com/beeple_crap
Twitter: twitter.com/beeple
Tumblr: beeple.tumblr.com